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Educational Content: Giving Away Value for Free

March 25, 20242 min read

I’m a recovering over-sharer…

It doesn’t matter who you are (best friend, neighbor, person I just met in the grocery store line), ask me anything and I’m happy to share my opinions, feelings, or even my life story. 

And I say “recovering” because I know I need to do better. That stranger in the grocery store probably doesn’t want to hear about how my grandmother’s name was also Margaret and how much I used to love coloring and playing board games with her. 

But there’s one area where I refuse to stop sharing… and that’s sharing what I know about marketing. 

I have learned so very much in my time in marketing. And by-golly, I’m happy to share it with the world. 

So many business owners stay in a mindset of lack; worried if they share everything for free then no one will buy from them. But I believe just the opposite... 

How are potential customers supposed to get to know you if you aren’t sharing stories about your business? If you’re keeping it all “TOP SECRET” and “CONFIDENTIAL”, how will they learn to trust you and believe that you can offer the solution to their problems?

Now, I’m not just talking about generic “here’s how you do this…” boring educational content. I am talking about content that shares your own unique spin on things. What makes you different?  

When you share your thoughts or your values, it allows others to know if your beliefs are in alignment with theirs, and this is so incredibly important.

You will be hard-pressed to find a business owner who regrets sharing value. No one says, “man, I wish I had just kept that to myself instead of helping thousands of people!” 

What you put out into the universe, you are sure to receive back ten-fold. Sharing your values, results, and methods is sure to get you raving fans who cannot wait to buy from you.

So let’s stop the gatekeeping and spread some value. What are you going to share today?😊

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Ashlea Layne

Ashlea Layne is the owner and lead strategist at Ashlea Layne LLC. She has a passion for problem-solving and getting clients the results they deserve.

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